Friday, February 27, 2009
Housework and raising children are jobs that have no end.

Pakistan should co-operate with India in 26/11 trial
While the judicial process has started in India, it is still not known at what stage the investigations that the Pakistan government has claimed to have started in that country are. Pakistan had admitted, probably under international pressure, that the conspiracy was hatched in that country, but it has not disclosed whether it has launched criminal proceedings against those involved, who include senior leaders of the Lashkar-e-Toiba. Some of the clarifications it has sought from India create doubts that the Pakistani authorities are deliberately resorting to delaying tactics or trying to bring in extraneous issues within the purview of the investigation. The internal political situation in Pakistan and the government’s dubious policy on militancy might limit its ability to pursue the case and therefore there is the need for continued efforts to prod Islamabad in the matter.
The full extent of the conspiracy will be known and retributive action possible only if there is unreserved co-operation from Pakistan, the investigations on both sides complement each other and the judicial processes proceed simultaneously. It is more a matter of Pakistan’s will and sincerity than India’s readiness.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Kashmir Issue-Views
There is another view that the Indian government backed off at the last moment. Some informed observers in India maintain that developments in Pakistan came in the way of the agreement being finalised.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Is this the Honour given for our Military Personnels
More than the status of the serving community, it is the plight of the retired military personnel that has triggered the unseemly returning of medals by the veterans. As per current pension norms, all military personnel receive different pensions for different ranks depending on when they retire. This, incidentally, is true for the civilians also and only those who attain the pay scale of secretaries to the government of India have the benefit of OROP.
But given the fact that military personnel retire at a very early age harmonisation was sought and successive governments since the days of Rajiv Gandhi have promised to do so, but never delivered on the promise. Consequently many pension asymmetries prevail. For instance, a sepoy who retired before 1996 gets a pension that is 82 per cent less than a post-2006 retiree.
Are you all aware of Rule 49-O ?
Text of Rule 49-O says If an elector, after his electoral roll number has been duly entered in the register of voters in Form-17A and has put his signature or thumb impression thereon as required under sub-rule (1) of rule 49L, decided not to record his vote, a remark to this effect shall be made against the said entry in Form 17A by the presiding officer and the signature or thumb impression of the elector shall be obtained against such remark.
Current scenario implies Since the ballot paper / Electronic voting machine (EVM) contains only the list of candidates, a voter cannot record his vote under Section 49-O directly. He must inform the presiding officer at the election booth. This violates the secrecy of the ballot. However, with paper ballot a different method is used to "waste" ones vote, which is stamping on multiple candidates.
Negative / Neutral Voting is there in the proposals of the Election Commission of India.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Satyam to exercise cost-cutting, relocate onsite staff
The company has also put a freeze on expenses relating to internal issues. "All capital expenditures, unless required to meet customer deliveries, are being suspended till further notice. This includes renewal of laptops, office renovation.
The company has suspended external training as well as the advertising and marketing co-lateral expenses for the time being.
Azharuddin to join Congress
He wants the Congress to come back to power.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Taliban plan to target India
Government may ban FDI in cigarettes
The commerce ministry is considering a proposal to ban foreign direct investment in the manufacture of cigarettes for sale in the country.
A proposal to prohibit FDI in the manufacture of cigarettes, where it is manufactured for domestic consumption, has, accordingly, been initiated by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and is under consideration of the government.
Satyam recalls 1,500 onsite staff
Satyam Computer Services has called back more than 1,500 overseas employees, attached to projects that are shut down due to termination of contract by clients.The first batch of 170 employees who were attached to State Farm Insurance, an Illinois-based insurance company, that terminated its contract with Satyam, has already returned to Satyam headquarters in Hyderabad.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Ford Story 2.0 Web Site Launches

Now the company is introducing “version 2.0” of this social media Web site. Highlights of the updated site include:
· Daily updates of fresh content, showing the progress on Ford Motor Company's plan. A particular emphasis will be on fuel economy and quality, as Ford tries to make the reality of where we stand competitively match the perception the public has today.
· An Outside Voices area, providing visitors the ability to not only see what Ford is saying about itself, but also what consumers and the news media are saying about the company directly.
· Easier ability to share individual articles and videos, allowing visitors to spread Ford's story and progress to others.
· Connection with other external social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr – and it now can be browsed on iPhones.
3G auction may fetch only Rs 20,000 cr
The total income from collecting telecom licence fees, entry fees and spectrum charges from the operators for the year 2009-10 is estimated at Rs 33,335 crore compared with the revised estimate of Rs 13,174 crore during 2008-09.
USO fund
While the Universal Services Obligation fund has collected nearly Rs 20,000 crore for rolling out telecom services in rural areas, the Finance Ministry has allocated only Rs 1,800 crore for 2009-10.
Rs 100-cr tax concessions in TN budget
Land tax for dry land would be reduced to Rs 2 from the present Rs 15 a acre, and to Rs 5 from Rs 50 for wet land.
Pakistan army vows to hold fire in Swat
Monday, February 16, 2009
Why Economy melt down !!!
The direct effect is the initial immediate effect of the demand on output, employment, or income. For instance, output in the manufacturing sector will increase by, say, $5 million to meet the increased export demand of $5 million. To meet this additional output the manufacturing sector has to buy additional inputs from other industries, pay additional salaries to households, or import additional goods and these changes in output, employment, and income that occur as a result of the direct effect are called the indirect effect. Another round is the induced effect and measures the increase in household incomes and spending caused by the direct and indirect effects.
Moreover, the direct effect stimulates the economic base, or export sector; in contrast, the indirect and induced effects exist only to serve the basic sector. The EBT and the simple Keynesian model differ slightly. In the EBT the endogenous flow remains consumption, redefined now as “domestic expenditures”, which ignores savings and hides investment expenditures within it. Furthermore, external demand, the driver of the economy, assumes the function of investment in the Keynesian model.
Positive, high correlation between foreign direct investment inflows and India’s GDP growth provide some evidence for the operation of the EBT. During the last five years the aggregate FDI inflows have increased nearly seven times from Rs 95,639 crore in 2003 to Rs 6,54,949 crore in 2007. The service sector has the largest share (22%) followed by the software industry accounting for 15.6%. GDP growth rates show a corresponding increase — an average of 9.3% during the three years ending March 2008, compared with an average of 6.6% and 6%, respectively, in the preceding three and five years.
India’s rise as a dominant actor in the service outsourcing sector is partly explained by the Theory of the New International Division of Labour, associated with Frobel. Technological advances permitted splitting of production processes and China became a manufacturing centre, followed by the spread of information technology, during the 1990s, and the main beneficiary was India. Additionally, India was well placed to derive the full benefits of globalisation due to an unintended convergence of events.
First, India was fortuitously placed twelve hours away — while the west slept, India worked. Second, the Y2K scare focused research attention on IT and led to the creation of tools that accelerated services outsourcing. Third, privatisation of higher technical education during the 1990s fulfilled the desire of Indian parents to make their children engineers, ensuring that sufficient numbers of willing technical personnel were available to work in the IT sector.
When will the world demand revive again? Analysis of the depth and duration of 14 ‘severe’ meltdowns by Kenneth Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart provides some insights into the possible timeline for demand regeneration. The sample includes the depression, the recent ‘big five’ crises in the developed world (e.g., Norway — 1987, Japan — 1990s); and crises in emerging-market economies. Generally, financial crises are long-drawn out affairs.
Speech of Shri Lalu Prasad introducing the Railway Budget 2009-10
2. Speaker sir,
Shukriya se main shuroo karta hoon apni bat aaj,
Sath lekar main chala hoon desh, duniya aur samaj,
Main chukata he rahoonga desh ki mitti ka karj,
Rashtra sewa reet meri aur yahi mera rivaj.
3. I have great pride that, in its journey of service to the nation, the Indian Railways have reached an important milestone. Being an integral part of this journey for the last five years, I can proudly say that Indian Railways scaled a new pinnacle every year and now stand at the zenith of success from where, without imposing any burden on the common man, the railways are set to establish the historic landmark of earning a cash surplus before dividend of more than Rs 90,000 cr, in five years. The same Railways which faced a paucity of funds for replacement of over aged assets in 2001 and which had to defer payment of Rs. 2,800 cr as dividend to General Revenues, have now surprised the whole world with a historic financial turnaround. Sir, the year 2008 witnessed a financial turmoil and worldwide recession making it difficult for even Fortune 500 companies to raise debt from the international markets. This august House would be pleasantly surprised to know, that even in such adverse times, the Indian Railway Finance Corporation, in November 2008, has successfully raised a 10 cr dollar loan, equivalent to Rs 500 cr, at a rate of only 4 percent, from the international market.
4. Sir, the transformation of the Railways is fundamentally different from the financial turnaround witnessed in private sector companies. While private companies resort to anti-people measures like increase in prices, retrenchment of employees and lockouts, Railways have kept the human aspect as the central focus and achieved an extraordinary feat without putting any extra burden on the common man or the employees. In the last five years the Railways have stepped up the annual growth rate of freight loading from an average of 3 percent during the decade of 90̢۪s to an average of 8 percent. The declining trend of railways share in transportation of steel and cement, witnessed during the past several years has also been arrested as the Railways increased their share in transportation of these commodities, over the last five years. This transformation has been possible through the significant improvement in productivity of railway assets and efficient working by railway employees.
Karigari ka aisa tareeka bata diya,
Ghate ka job hi daur tha beeta bana diya,
Bharat ki rail vishwa me is tarah ki buland,
Hathi ko chust kar diya cheeta bana diya.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Painless CyberKnife kills cancer
Cruise missile technology will now be used to treat cancer. An artificial intelligence-enabled robot performs the revolutionary CyberKnife treatment, a bloodless and painless surgery. It allows doctors to treat tumours in brain, lungs, liver, prostate and spine without causing any damage to other organs.
The Rs 30-crore CyberKnife arrived in Bangalore from the US last week at the Health Care Global (HCG), a network of cancer care units.HCG is the first Bangalore hospital to procure the CyberKnife. Its computer system not only tells the robot where the tumour is but where it is in relation to the breathing cycle.
CyberKnife uses two cameras and infrared technology with absolutely no human intervention during surgery. The treatment is reduced from 5-6 weeks to a maximum of five days with 45-60 minutes per session.
Govt, RBI in talks on more borrowing
The Government and the Reserve Bank of India are in discussion on additional borrowing programmes and the two together will ensure that they are managed in an efficient and orderly manner
High forex reserves can worsen recession
Saturday, February 7, 2009
YSR seeks votes at pension scheme launch
The contributory pension scheme for the SHG members was launched on Friday at the Agriculture University in Rajendranagar.
Satyam scam to be included in B-schools
SEBI sets $8-bn open bidding cap for FIIs in corp debt
Sebi said that all bidding for the limits would be through the stock exchanges and the window for bidding would remain open for two hours. The minimum amount that an FII can bid is capped at the lower end at Rs 250 crore, with a minimum ticket size of Rs 100 crore. The bid price will be expressed in basis point and a minimum flat fee of Rs 1,000 per successful bid shall be levied for the allocated amount.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Fish oil prevents cholesterol ......Have a ride..thru the topic
Dr. Richard J. Deckelbaum, Director of the Columbia Institute of Human Nutrition, has found that a diet rich in fish oils can prevent the accumulation of fat in the aorta, the main artery leaving the heart. The researcher says that the beneficial actions of fish oil, which block cholesterol build-up in arteries, are even found at high fat intakes. Fish are generally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to provide many health benefits, such as helping to prevent mental illness and delaying some of the disabilities associated with aging.
Eating tuna, sardines, salmon and other so-called cold water fish seems to protect people against clogged arteries. Omega-3 fatty acids are also known to lower triglycerides, a type of fat often found in the bloodstream.
The researchers observed that the fatty acids contained in fish oil markedly inhibit the entry of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) into arteries, and, consequently, much less cholesterol collects in these vessels.
Kingfisher cuts its pilots' salaries by Rs 80,000
The salary package is mainly based on the flying hours of about 70-hours.
KP, Flintoff became the most expensive players
Pietersen, who was England's captain till recently, was bought by Bangalore Royal Challengers while Flintoff went to Chennai Super Kings at the auction.
State to introduce bill on Medical Care
The state government will introduce, in the forthcoming budget session, a bill on emergency medical services with an aim to extend unrestrained medical care to patients unescorted by relatives. The bill seeks to make it mandatory for all private hospitals to admit and treat victims of accidents, natural calamities or terror attacks.
The new bill makes a provision for punishment and penalties for hospitals not abiding by the directives on treatment of patients during any emergency.
Hatts off for Bhushan Gagrani, secretary for medical education and drug department (MEDD).
Kampani gets bail !!!
The case against promoter directors of NFL and Kampani is for committing a fraud on the public to a tune of nearly Rs 100 crore.
Twin degree programme
After signing a collaborative twinning engineering programme with University at Buffalo, New York, the course is structured in such a way that students have to spend only a month away from home.
All courses will be taught only on weekends for up to six weeks. Each of these days will comprise full-day instructions. The first batch of both the twinning degree programme will start in July.
USA Swimming bans Phelps for three months
Record-setting Olympic champion Michael Phelps has been banned for three months by USA Swimming amid controversy over a photograph published in a British newspaper purportedly showing him smoking marijuana.
Michael has voluntarily accepted this reprimand and has committed to earn back our trust.
Satyam shares up; market cheers new CEO appointment
ICICI fires dealer for forex fraud
ICICI Bank has sacked one of its dealers who had entered into improper forward trades by executing deals to favour four Kolkata-based Top 20 Global Fin Brands 19 Indian banks in Top 500 Global Financial Brands corporates.
These companies could buy or sell currency at exchange rates which were more attractive than what they would have been offered in the regular course of business.
The employee had struck deals by ensuring that the corporates received favourable rates by tinkering with the last two digits in the forex rates, which is typically as 46.4534 or 28.6751. The software did not throw up an alert when these transactions happened since the first four digits were not changed. The deals were done in Japanese Yen, Euro and dollars.
A senior bank official said the bank got suspicious when it spotted that the dealer, who was a relationship manager for the global market division in Mumbai, was carrying out trades for a bunch of Kolkata corporates. This never happens unless the company concerned is very big.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Books.....The Knowledge Point
Bipin Kabra joins Dhanalakshmi Bank as CEO
'Slumdog Millionaire' now in Tamil
Slumdog Millionaire has been dubbed as " Naanum Koteeswaran" (I am a millionaire too), with popular Tamil actor Simbu lending his voice for the lead role played by Dev Patil, and veteran playback singer S P Balasubramaniam dubbing for Anil Kapoor.
3 Indian women entrepreneurs among third IWEC awardees
The three Indian women entrepreneurs are Dipali Goenka, Director of Welspun Retail, Vasundhara Mantri, professional Jewellery Designer and Anita Lal Creative Head, The Goodearth Company.
Iran launches home-built satellite
The lightweight satellite can carry out remote sensing and satellite telemetry operations. It is expected to have a maximum life of three months and will orbit the earth 15 times per day.
A S Murthy appointed as Satyam's CEO
Infosys freezes recruitment, mulls pay cuts
Sensex, Nifty end in red
The Sensex, which gained 135 points in the last two sessions, fell by 110.97 points to 9,090.88.