Thursday, April 8, 2010

F1 News - Singapore F1 Press Release - Singapore Grand Prix

F1 News - Singapore F1 Press Release - Singapore Grand Prix

Nokia N97 Mini - Features, specs & reviews - 3 Shop Australia

Nokia N97 Mini - Features, specs & reviews - 3 Shop Australia

The sleek Nokia N97 mini integrates the web into your life and seamlessly connects you to your friends and favourite online services like Facebook and Twitter.

National Instruments expands R&D centre

National Instruments (NI) has expanded their Research and Development (R&D) facility in Bangalore. The center is expected to provide strategic and operational support and services for clients.

The new centre for innovation is equipped with product development infrastructure and employee workspace to provide the tools and environment required for efficient product innovation, said the company statement. In addition the new center will also focus on filing patents in the field of Motion Control algorithms and software development. As part of the strategic growth, NI will hire new talent and take on more work in the areas of product development.
