FUJIFILM India has announced the launch and availability of 14 digital camera models into the Indian market. FUJIFILM has launched four new models of its 'A series' compacts (AV100, AV150, AX200 & AX250) featuring high definition (HD) image and video capture for the first time on entry-level cameras.
These are easy-to-use and are ideal for people who are investing in their first digital camera. Offering a combination of various mega pixel resolutions, Fujinon zoom lenses and LCD screen sizes, consumers will be able to choose a camera that perfectly suits their needs and budget, one that features all of FUJIFILM's advanced technologies such as Automatic Scene Recognition, Face Detection, Digital Image Stabilization, high ISO sensitivity levels, Picture Search (as per the scene mode), and Panorama Shooting Mode which allows users to stitch three photos together to create a panoramic image (perfect for wide landscapes, tall buildings or large groups of people).
FUJIFILM has also launched four sleek models of its 'J series' family cameras (JV100, JV150, JX200 & JX250) that come with sculpted and sophisticated looks, and enable users to shoot images in HD. These cameras are loaded with advanced features like razor sharp Fujinon zoom lenses, Scene Recognition Auto, Panorama Shooting Mode, Movie Mode with Sound, Picture Search etc. The Smile & Shoot Mode works with FUJIFILM's highly-acclaimed Face Detection technology to detect smiles on faces. It will not take a picture until it detects a smile. Another new feature is Blink Detection which warns users if they have captured an image with people blinking, so that they can re-shoot if necessary. The newly launched JV and JX models have a new feature - Targeting AF - which is perfect in case users need to take a picture of a moving subject and can't keep the subject in the frame. As and when Targeting AF is switched on, it tracks the subject and ensures pictures with the subject in the centre of the frame in perfect focus.
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