Tuesday, August 10, 2010

54 days to go, is Delhi ready?

Incomplete stadiums, living quarters far from finished and debris strewn all over the city - Delhi looks far from being ready for the Commonwealth Games.

The Jawarharlal Nehru Stadium (JNS), which was inaugurated on July 27, was meant to be a symbol to showcase the Games. But it looks nothing more than a construction site despite its ` 961 crore makeover.

The Central Public Works Department (CPWD) began construction over two years ago. The deadline is September 1 after which the stadium will be locked down. But will it be ready by that date?

No one is allowed inside. But according to sources, the main lights and main announcement systems are in place at the stadium. The field and stadium seats are also ready. But underground cabling for electricity and water supply, water connections, painting and welding of the boundary are still not complete.

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